Company Update | April 2024
We rolled out some awesome product updates in April. Dive into all the details and catch up on what's new in our monthly wrap-up video! 🚀
Rocket Aerodynamics, Fin Control, and Proportional Navigation
We added support for simulating Rocket aerodynamics using data from sources like OpenRocket or MISL3. On top of that, a controller allows us to control the rockets using fins. Next, we added a proportional navigation implementation that allows the missile to navigate to a target.
Unreal Engine Integration
Customers have been asking for photo-realistic rendering support, so we added an integration with Unreal Engine. Unreal allows us to generate beautiful photo-realistic images that can be fed into computer vision algorithms, allowing the user to test those algorithms easily.
Satellite Constellation Support
Satellite constellations are all the rage and are typically very hard to simulate. We added support for simulating 100s of satellites simultaneously to Elodin.
GPU Accelerated Plots
Inspired by the massive amount of data generated by simulating constellations, we added GPU-accelerated plotting. Now, you can draw hundreds of lines in real-time with little to no performance impact.
Ranges for Plots and Looping
We added the ability to zoom into and inspect different parts of a graph. Now, you can easily focus on a small sub-section of a plot. Plus, you can use those same ranges to loop the simulation around a certain point, allowing you to see failing behavior over and over again.